I'm a Celebrity: Get Me Out of Here! (Australia)
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Australian celebrities are dropped into the African jungle with little more than their wits, strength and willpower to survive the competition. How will they cope with African wildlife, a constant series of challenges and tests, basic rations and their fellow campmates? Who will survive the infamous Bush Tucker Trials? Who will win the hearts of viewers and be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle?
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Season 1 (February 2015 - March 2015)
1. Episode 1
Aired: 01-02-2015
Tonight's premiere episode sees ten celebrities dropped deep into the South African jungle with little more than their wits, strength and willpower to survive.
2. Episode 2
Aired: 02-02-2015
It's day two in the jungle and some of the celebrities have had more trouble than others getting use to giving up their five-star lifestyles. Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris.
3. Episode 3
Aired: 03-02-2015
It's day three in the jungle and some of the celebrities have had more trouble than others getting use to giving up their five-star lifestyles. Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris.
4. Episode 4
Aired: 04-02-2015
It's day four in the jungle and some of the celebrities have had more trouble than others getting use to giving up their five-star lifestyles. Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris.
5. Episode 5
Aired: 05-02-2015
It's day five in the jungle and some of the celebrities have had more trouble than others getting use to giving up their five-star lifestyles. Hosted by Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris.
6. Episode 6 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 08-02-2015
The celebrities have survived their first week in the jungle. The camp site isn't quite a holiday oasis with cocktails whipped up at the snap of a finger. Who is thriving and who is barely surviving?
7. Episode 7 (Intruders Special)
Aired: 09-02-2015
Without the comforts of home, the celebrities real personalities are starting to emerge. There are sure to be plenty of surprises as some become besties and others are driven apart.
8. Episode 8
Aired: 10-02-2015
With the abundance of animals roaming Africa, most species depend on safety in numbers rather than hiding from predators. The animals are smart enough to form alliances but are the celebrities?
9. Episode 9
Aired: 11-02-2015
Kruger National Park is most famous for its large carnivores: lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and wild dogs. Here's hoping the celebrities are a bit tougher than their headshots make them out to be.
10. Episode 10
Aired: 12-02-2015
The celebrities have almost survived their second week and should start thinking about how to strategise. It may be a good idea to look to their jungle neighbours for advice.
11. Episode 11 (Live Double Eviction)
Aired: 15-02-2015
Having been tested both physically and mentally, the celebrities have fought hard to secure fresh food and special privileges, but in this episode, another celebrity will leave the jungle.
12. Episode 12 (Intruders Special)
Aired: 16-02-2015
The celebrities have little time to adjust to losing yet another one of their camp mates as they embark on this episode's Tucker Trial and Chest Challenge.
13. Episode 13
Aired: 17-02-2015
With their daily rations becoming increasingly bland, the celebrities are desperate to win extra food and treats for the camp. This episode, they are faced with a Twisted Takeaway Tucker Trial.
14. Episode 14
Aired: 18-02-2015
This episode's Tucker Trial, Jungle Jive, will give one of the celebrities the opportunity to hit the dance floor. But little do they know, there is a massive twist.
15. Episode 15
Aired: 19-02-2015
It is Triple Threat Thursday and the High Rollers Tucker Trial will see two celebrities pushed to their limit. Later, the celebrities will have to prove themselves in a Chest Challenge.
16. Episode 16 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 22-02-2015
Tonight we farewell another celebrity. Later, two celebrities will be forced to hunt for ten letters using their bare hands, in elephant dung in the Chest Challenge - Goddung Mess.
17. Episode 17
Aired: 23-02-2015
The celebrities haven't received any pampering or comforts since entering the jungle but tonight one lucky celebrity will be given the opportunity to experience various treatments in the Safari Spa.
18. Episode 18
Aired: 24-02-2015
As the celebrities continue to complain of hunger and their thoughts continually drift to their favourite food, two celebrities will enjoy some traditional South African food in tonight's Tucker Trial.
19. Episode 19
Aired: 25-02-2015
In tonight's Tucker Trial Safari Spa, Freddie Flintoff will be pampered in his very own jungle spa with a difference, joined by some very frisky critters. Will Freddie face a facial full of maggots.
20. Episode 20
Aired: 26-02-2015
This episode, the Tucker Trial sees two celebrities harnessed to a bungee and secured to the ground in the Celebrity Slingshot. The area the celebrity hits will determine how many meals they earn for camp.
21. Episode 21 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 01-03-2015
In a Fluffy Animals Chest Challenge, two celebrities must find the code for the chest hidden in four animal pens. Later, it is time for another eviction as one camp mate is sent packing their bags.
22. Episode 22
Aired: 02-03-2015
One celebrity's levels of balance and tenacity gets tested at great height in the Torn Free Tucker Trial. One wrong step and they could take a terrifying plunge into the canyon.
23. Episode 23
Aired: 03-03-2015
In a stomach-turning Tucker Chewsday Trial, the celebrities must consume various body parts from a number of animals to earn the vital stars.
24. Episode 24
Aired: 04-03-2015
In a body of water, two celebrities must work an egg through the body of an artificial snake to reveal the combinations in the Snake's Egg Chest Challenge.
25. Episode 25
Aired: 05-03-2015
It is raining hippos in a Hoard Of Hippos Chest Challenge as two celebrities must go up against Africa's deadliest animals as they come flying over the waterfall.
26. Episode 26 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 08-03-2015
After six gruelling weeks, the hunger, tears and trials reach an explosive conclusion, with live evictions as we count down to crowning the King or Queen of the Jungle.
27. Episode 27 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 09-03-2015
Chained inside a large tank by their feet, hands and waist, one celebrity must escape their watery bounds in the flash flood Tucker Trial.
28. Episode 28 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 10-03-2015
Can one celebrity overcome their unyielding hunger and choose their fellow camp mates' needs over their own comfort in the disgustation Tucker Trial?
29. Episode 29 (Live Double Eviction)
Aired: 11-03-2015
In this episode's Chest Challenge, one celebrity is trapped hanging in a net weighted by a large barrel of water. Their partner must carefully release the water in order to lower and save the captured celeb.
30. Episode 30 (Live Eviction)
Aired: 12-03-2015
After the final eviction, all remaining celebrities must work together to complete a Tucker Trial while being battered by a barrage of wind machines, tidal waves of water, mud and slime.
31. Finale
Aired: 15-03-2015
After six weeks in the remote South African jungle, 14 celebrities have been whittled down to three. This climatic finale will see the first King or Queen of the Jungle crowned live!
Season 2 (January 2016 - March 2016)
1. Opening Night/Welcome to the Jungle
Aired: 31-01-2016
On the anticipated season premiere, the identity of the 10 new celebrities going into the African jungle will finally be revealed! How will they cope when faced with their first group challenge?
2. Up To Your Neck In It
Aired: 01-02-2016
On day two, find out how the celebrities are handling their new no-frills lifestyle in the African jungle! Plus, they can expect a nasty surprise when they discover What's in the Box?
3. Spin The Bottle
Aired: 02-02-2016
Which celebrities will be voted to face the first food challenge of the season? Last year we saw impala's kidney, pigtail, maggots and cockroaches; what new African delights are on the menu tonight?
4. Cliff Hanger
Aired: 03-02-2016
Day four in the jungle will see the celebrities take part in a game of Trick or Treat! From creepy crawlies to dangerous animals? what will the celebrities come head-to-head with tonight?
5. The Viper Room
Aired: 04-02-2016
Julia and Chris return live to camp to inform who will compete in the week's final challenge! Will the celebrities be able to take on the next adventurous trial and bring home the tucker?
6. Croc Bait (Live Eviction)
Aired: 07-02-2016
The celebrities have made it through their first full week in the jungle. Let's celebrate by throwing the most terrifying trial in the history of the show.
7. Feeding Time
Aired: 08-02-2016
Giant ostriches have been known to disembowel lions when cornered. So what could possibly go wrong when our celebs collect stars hidden within ostrich eggs, buried in a pen full of the giant birds?
8. Beat The Birds
Aired: 09-02-2016
Our poor celebrities will have to eat what the local wildlife has chosen for them to eat. Will the monkey choose to eat the bowl of jelly, or the bowl of crickets? Bon appetit.
9. Worlds End
Aired: 10-02-2016
To win meals for the camp, one celebrity will answer questions from inside phone boxes. Can they keep their cool while combating critter dumps, flooding tanks and fly chambers?
10. Feral Foot Fetish
Aired: 11-02-2016
It's the delightfully named 'feral foot fetish'. Using only their feet, a celebrity must correctly identify local animals to earn stars, while waist deep in a tank full of critters.
11. Creepy Callies (Live Eviction)
Aired: 14-02-2016
Valentine's Day. The day when millions put their hearts on the line, but tonight one celebrity will put their life on the line, in a terrifying 100ft challenge.
12. Shaken And Stirred
Aired: 15-02-2016
Get ready for a cocktail like no other. With bugs, giant ice cubes, and celebrities being tossed around in a giant shaker as they try to collect stars.
13. Pub Crawl
Aired: 16-02-2016
Our hungry celebrities will be invited on a pub crawl into the welcoming surrounds of an African tavern. Unfortunately for them, it won't serve your typical pub fare.
14. Tug of War
Aired: 17-02-2016
In a twist on the blind date, one blindfolded celebrity will enter a pitch black cave while another verbally guides them in search of meal stars through critter dumps and local fauna.
15. In Your Face
Aired: 18-02-2016
After three gruelling weeks, the hunger, tears and trials reach an explosive conclusion with live evictions every night this week as we count down to crowning the King or Queen of the Jungle.
16. Mine Shaft Mystery (Live Eviction)
Aired: 21-02-2016
As the celebrities begin week four of their jungle journey, one will be chosen to head down the rabbit hole. Well, more like an African critter hole to be exact.
17. Sticky Wiki
Aired: 22-02-2016
The celebrities go head-to-head in a game of tug of war for their dinner. They'll be suspended over a dam wall, two at a time. Who will plump and who will plummet?
18. Fast Food
Aired: 23-02-2016
It's a sushi train, jungle style. Five celebs take a seat at the jungle grub train, and when the conveyor belt of African delicacies passes before them, they must consume their dish before it is gone.
19. Blind Date
Aired: 24-02-2016
In the sticky wiki trial, one celeb takes a test of endurance, as they enter a chamber and endure critter and slime drops while reciting passages from their Wikipedia page to earn meals for camp.
20. Memorable Trip
Aired: 25-02-2016
This challenge sees two celebrities in for a memorable trip as they are placed within the confines of a car and challenged to remember a series of items that move past them on a conveyor belt.
21. Hole Lotta Trouble
Aired: 28-02-2016
One celeb is in for a 'hole' lot of trouble. Not only do they have to put their hands into holes filled with creepy crawlies, but they have to do it while hanging off a large rock face.
22. Screaming Headache
Aired: 29-02-2016
This tucker trial will be a massive headache for one celeb. They must stand on their head inside a perspex box as it fills with water, live eels and and other slimy aquatic creatures.
23. Ropable
Aired: 01-03-2016
The celebs put a new spin on the phrase 'walking a fine line'. In the trial aptly titled ropeable, two celebrities are faced with the daunting task of crossing a dam wall to collect flags.
24. Wreck-fast
Aired: 02-03-2016
Two celebs will get up close and personal with African critters in a way they would never have dreamt of. To win meals for camp, they must hold different creatures in their mouth.
25. Jungle Houdini
Aired: 03-03-2016
A celeb must escape a cage that is slowly sinking into a lake. The keys they need are in the cage with them, but they must think quickly and methodically as only half the keys will work on the locks.
26. Dam Shame
Aired: 06-03-2016
One lucky celebrity will need to crawl and navigate their way through pipes within the dam wall in search of meal stars, joined by an array of water-friendly natives.
27. Wheel of Misfortune
Aired: 07-03-2016
In what is likely to be a bad trip down memory lane, one or more celebrities will revisit a horrendous trial from the season.
28. Hipster Horror
Aired: 08-03-2016
The latest tucker chewsday challenge is top secret. What local delights will be on the menu? What will the celebrities be able to stomach in order to feed the camp?
29. Mind The Gap
Aired: 09-03-2016
Each celebrity must take a running jump off the dam wall in an attempt to grab hold of a cargo net. The camp will earn a meal for every successful jump.
30. Flash Flood 2.0: Flash Harder
Aired: 10-03-2016
One celebrity will be placed inside a large clear tank and chained up by their feet, hands and waist. As the tank fillls with water, they must find the keys to freedom or face a watery coffin.
31. Finale
Aired: 13-03-2016
After 6 grueling weeks just 3 celebrities remain, and only 1 will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle, LIVE! But, there's still one last Tucker Trial they have to complete... and boy, it's a doozy!
Season 3 (January 2017 - March 2017)
1. In At The Deep End
Aired: 29-01-2017
In the highly anticipated third season premiere of I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!, the identity of the 10 new celebrities braving the South African jungle will finally be revealed.
2. Grotty Lottery
Aired: 30-01-2017
How are the celebrities settling into their new surroundings after spending a night with the animals in the depths of the jungle with no shelter, no electricity and no contact with the outside world?
3. Sushi Pain
Aired: 31-01-2017
Day three of jungle camp brings the return of the infamous Tucker Chewsday. Which celebrities will be voted to face the first food challenge of the season?
4. Slip And Slide
Aired: 01-02-2017
Find out which celebrity Australia has voted for to take on the next daily challenge. From creepy crawlies to dangerous animals - what will the celebrities come head-to-head with?
5. Fright At The Museum
Aired: 02-02-2017
Julia and Chris will return live to camp to inform which celebrity will be competing in the tucker trial, but will the chosen celebrity be able to complete the trial and bring home tucker for the camp?
6. Fly Fishing
Aired: 05-02-2017
Here's hoping our six chosen celebrities aren't afraid of heights - and water. Actually, let's hope they are. Later on, who will say goodbye to the campsite forever?
7. Every Critter Counts
Aired: 06-02-2017
Will the celebrities be able to keep their cool while combating critters crawling around their hands, feet and mouths? Later, camp mates will be treated to a delightful or not-so-delightful surprise.
8. Eat It or Wear It
Aired: 07-02-2017
Two celebrities must pick one of 13 concealed cloches. Uncovering it will reveal twin servings of something icky, stinky, yucky or gunky.
9. The Viper Room Reloaded
Aired: 08-02-2017
It's Horror Day for our celebrities. If the celebrities thought the film Snakes On A Plane was confronting, they had better brace themselves for Snakes in a Chamber.
10. A Trip Down Memory Pain
Aired: 09-02-2017
I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! is embracing their own Throwback Thursday with a challenge titled A Trip Down Memory Pain.
11. Jungle's Got Zero Talent
Aired: 12-02-2017
The celebrities have been tested physically and mentally by a variety of trials and challenges as they fight to win special privileges for the group. But who will viewers vote out the jungle?
12. Throwing Up
Aired: 13-02-2017
The celebrities will have to overcome their fear of heights in order to win a meal for the camp. Will the high wire get the better of them?
13. Blind Date
Aired: 14-02-2017
It's Valentine's Day and if the celebrities thought flowers and PDA's were hard to stomach then they better brace themselves for this tucker trial.
14. Grim Gallery
Aired: 15-02-2017
In this episode, two celebrities must collect stars through a flooded tunnel filled with aquatic creatures. Will the celebrities return to camp victorious or defeated? More Info
15. Bad Pitt
Aired: 16-02-2017
Which celebrity will hang from the end of a crane over a floating tank of snakes while blindfolded and collect stars to win a meal for the camp?
16. Wheel Will Rock You
Aired: 19-02-2017
All of the remaining celebrities are required to compete in the Turntable of Terror trial. In this jungle casino, there is only one thing you can bet on. No-one is safe!
17. A Floody Hard Tucker Trial
Aired: 20-02-2017
Life imitates art when one unlucky celebrity checks in to the Grim Gallery. Will it be a picture-perfect ending, or will the celebrity get tongue tied? Later, who or what is in the box?
18. A Day At The Races
Aired: 21-02-2017
Two unlucky celebrities take a seat at the jungle saloon for a variety of special African delicacies. Maggot Milkshake anyone?
19. The World's End 2.0
Aired: 22-02-2017
In a game of pure nerve and stability, one celebrity must scale a huge tower which is leaning over the world's end. Can the celebrity collect enough stars to bring food home to camp?
20. Dicing With Danger
Aired: 23-02-2017
Two unlucky celebrities will compete in a trial called Dicing With Danger. In this trial, a roll of the dice will not prove nice. Plus, who or what is in the box?
21. Sunday Fright At The Movies
Aired: 26-02-2017
The jungle family are heading to the movies as the celebrities compete in bush tucker trials set amongst classic movie scenes and props. Plus, who is the next celebrity to leave the jungle?
22. The Kitchen Stink
Aired: 27-02-2017
On a strict time limit, two celebrities must search for keys in a critter filled jungle kitchen to unlock bins full of offal and transfer as much as they can onto scales to win meals for camp.
23. You Choose
Aired: 28-02-2017
Tucker Chewsday returns to wreak havoc on the jungle squad in a gruesome wheel of fortune challenge to create a classic dish using some of South Africa's most terrifying toppings.
24. Riding High
Aired: 01-03-2017
Two celebrities will ride a motorbike along narrow tracks suspended over the ravine in order to win meals for camp. Will it be all eyes on the prize? Or will the celebrities go off track?
25. Shooting Stars
Aired: 02-03-2017
Three celebrities will need to throw golden nuggets into a bucket while being attached to a reverse bungee rig. Will the trio shoot and score?
26. Gross Train
Aired: 05-03-2017
In a program first, things will go bump in the night when the celebrities compete in their first night trial.
27. As Scream On TV
Aired: 06-03-2017
Two celebrities will trade being on the TV for being in the TV. Later, the celebrities will be treated to a surprise delivery in camp. What or who could be in the box?
28. CarnEVIL
Aired: 07-03-2017
In a nasty spin on the drinking game beer pong, which two unlucky celebrities will be forced to play Good Cup Bad Cup?
29. Floods Of Fear
Aired: 08-03-2017
One celebrity will make their way through a flooded tunnel system, collecting stars among a variety of terrifying aquatic creatures. Will they return to camp victorious, or arrive empty-handed?
30. Help From Our Friends
Aired: 09-03-2017
The camp superstars will be faced with a list of general knowledge questions. They must choose an evicted celebrity to answer each category.
31. Family Tree
Aired: 12-03-2017
The final four's loved ones will embark on South African soil. Later on, four will become three as another celebrity leaves the jungle.
32. Grand Finale
Aired: 13-03-2017
Don't miss the grand finale when one of the final three will be crowned King or Queen of The Jungle and win $100,000 for their chosen charity.
Season 4 (January 2018 - March 2018)
1. The Jungle Prep Centre
Aired: 28-01-2018
In the highly anticipated fourth season, the identity of the celebrities braving the South African jungle will finally be revealed.
2. A Bridge Too Far
Aired: 29-01-2018
It's day two in the jungle and the celebrities have just spent their first night with the animals, no shelter and no contact with the outside world.
3. The Grossery Store
Aired: 30-01-2018
Day three of jungle camp brings the return of the infamous Tucker Chewsday. Which celebrities will be voted to face the first food challenge of the season?
4. Boulder Dash
Aired: 31-01-2018
There will be no day that sends a shiver down a celebrity's spine more than Horrifying Hump Day. Plus, Chris & Julia have a surprise announcement up their sleeve.
5. The Heavyweight Championship
Aired: 04-02-2018
With another week of spectacular challenges and stomach - churning trials in store, Chris and Julia have a big announcement for the camp. But how will the campmates react to the news?
6. Ready, Steady, No
Aired: 05-02-2018
Chris and Julia reveal the celebrities’ luxury item that they get to keep with them in camp. What item can they simply not live without in the jungle?
7. Let's Get Trunk
Aired: 06-02-2018
It’s Tucker Tuesday and this trial is sure to leave a bad taste in their mouth. Which poor and unfortunate celebrity will be voted in for this dreaded ordeal?
8. Hangry Birds
Aired: 07-02-2018
One celebrity must face their fears in the dark enclosure filled with unwanted visitors and creepy-crawlies. Will they survive the challenge?
9. The Viper Room
Aired: 08-02-2018
One celebrity must face their fears in the dark enclosure filled with unwanted visitors and creepy-crawlies. Will they survive the challenge?
10. Hot Swingers
Aired: 11-02-2018
In the first elimination of the season, the celebrity with the least number of votes will be sent packing. With one less celebrity, how will the rest of the camp react?
11. Feeling Flushed
Aired: 12-02-2018
In an attempt to win stars to feed the hungry camp, the celebrities must capture stars that will come flowing downs chute along with floods of water and all creepy jungle critters.
12. Dining In The Dark
Aired: 13-02-2018
What happens when you remove celebrities’ vision and throw them into an eating trial in the pitch black? All their senses become enhanced and the dishes taste worse than ever.
13. The World's End
Aired: 14-02-2018
It is without doubt one of the toughest days in camp Valentine’s Day. What surprises will Chris and Julia have up their sleeve to celebrate this very romantic day?
14. Shafted
Aired: 15-02-2018
Two celebrities leave the camp in search of the celebrity chest. Will the camp be successful in winning the contents of the chest and gain a much needed treat
15. Blind Soccer
Aired: 18-02-2018
It’s another huge week as the celebrities struggle to cope with meagre food rations, basic accommodation and the harsh conditions. Later which celebrity will bid farewell to their camp mates?
16. Holy Water
Aired: 19-02-2018
Which celebrity will receive the most public votes and face a trail to win stars to feed their hungry camp mates? Will they succeed or will they come back empty handed?
17. I Scream Shop
Aired: 20-02-2018
The most dreaded day of the week, Tucker Chewsday, returns to wreak havoc, and the jungle menu is packed with some of South Africa’s most disgusting delights.
18. Target Practice
Aired: 21-02-2018
The five celebrities chosen to compete in the trial will be split into two teams - targets and shooters. Will the celebrities hit all the targets in time to win five stars for the camp?
19. Bug Busters
Aired: 22-02-2018
The pressure is on as the celebrities need to earn as many stars as possible to feed the camp over the weekend or face a three-day diet of rice and beans.
20. The School of Hard Shocks
Aired: 25-02-2018
World famous psychic John Edwards swings into the jungle to take a read on the campmates. Will all the stars align or will the sceptics remain in doubt?
21. Big Babies
Aired: 26-02-2018
It's the trial that will have the Royal Butler Paul Burrell and AFL Superstar Josh Gibson screaming like Big Babies. Who will be the first to spit the dummy?
22. African Mornings
Aired: 27-02-2018
In today's Tucker Trial, three celebrities will be stepping out of camp and onto the set of the fictitious jungle television program, African Mornings with Chris and Julia.
23. Newton's Cradle
Aired: 28-02-2018
World famous psychic, John Edward, is crossing over into the jungle! What will he say to Princess Diana's former Butler?
24. Creepy Crawler
Aired: 01-03-2018
World-famous Psychic medium John Edward returns to camp but are the sceptics about to become believers? Plus, who will be the next celebrity eliminated from camp?
25. Meals on Wheels
Aired: 04-03-2018
Finals week is here! The race is on the be the last celebrity standing! Sandra Sully drops into the jungle to deliver all the major the headlines the campmates have missed.
26. Balls of Steel
Aired: 05-03-2018
Sandra Sully drops into the jungle to deliver some very special news! Plus, who will be the next to leave the jungle?
27. A-gag-emy Awards
Aired: 06-03-2018
We're rolling out the red carpet for the jungle's night of nights, The A-Gag-Emy Awards. Who will win best original scream play? Plus, who will be the next to leave the jungle?
28. The Sweeper
Aired: 07-03-2018
One celebrity on a highwire one hundred feet in the air will need to take a leap of faith to win food for camp. Plus, who will be the next celebrity to be eliminated from the jungle?
29. Help From Our Friends
Aired: 08-03-2018
After 6 weeks in the African jungle only 5 celebrities remain! Will Vicky, Fiona, Shannon, Simone or Danny be crowned king or queen of the jungle?
30. Family Tree
Aired: 11-03-2018
The celebs enjoy the moment they've all been waiting for - a special visit from their families - and then it's game on. Will Shannon, Fiona, Vicky or Danny wear the jungle crown?
31. Finale
Aired: 12-03-2018
Don't miss the grand finale. Who will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle and win $100,000 for charity?
Season 5 (January 2019 - February 2019)
1. The Launch
Aired: 13-01-2019
Julia Morris and Chris Brown host this reality series that sees celebrities live together in a South African jungle camp, coping with a few creature comforts. Each contestant participates in challenges to secure additional food and treats for the group, but also to avoid being voted out by viewers during their stay, with the final episode's votes nominating who wins a series and become crowned as "Jungle King/Queen". Celebrities participating on the programme receive a donation to a charity they nominate, with the money raised from charges on voting via text, phone or interactive services
2. Flying Blind
Aired: 14-01-2019
Through the tears, fears and gory foods, who will survive the jungle? Not only do these celebs have to survive challenges, they’ll have to survive each other.
3. Frost Fight
Aired: 15-01-2019
Who will survive the frost fight challenge? Tonight, potential love birds, Angie and Justin face off in an attempt to win for their campmates.
4. Breakfast in Bed
Aired: 16-01-2019
Tonight, Jacqui, Justin, Natasha and Justine are treated to breakfast in bed - will they be able to stomach it? YUCK.
5. Basket Fall
Aired: 17-01-2019
Tonight, Justin is up for a third challenge - this time, against Luke. Who will slam dunk and dribble their way to victory on a beam that's 20 stories high? And who will free-fall?
6. The Sunday Slam
Aired: 20-01-2019
Tahir and Justin go head to head. Plus, don't miss the latest celeb to enter the jungle - a former AFL Footy Show host. Celebrities live together in a South African jungle camp, coping with a few creature comforts.
7. Tunnel of Terror
Aired: 21-01-2019
Shane Crawford enters the African jungle as Camp Captain with Justin Lacko taking him through his first challenge in the Tunnel of Terror. it's going to scare the pants off them.
8. Meal of Fortune
Aired: 22-01-2019
9. Drop and Pop!
Aired: 23-01-2019
Two lucky celeb's are going to be dropped and popped in today's challenge - it's going to go off with a bang.
10. One Shock Shop
Aired: 24-01-2019
Do not miss a cracker of an episode as Justin, Richard, Luke and Natasha head to the local jungle supermarket to do a spot of shopping for the camp.
11. Sunday Slam #2
Aired: 27-01-2019
A bold, Hollywood, A-List star is making their grand entrance into the African jungle - who could it be?
12. The Bathtub of Terror
Aired: 28-01-2019
Katherine Kelly Lang enters the jungle to mix things up.
13. Escape From The Viper Room
Aired: 29-01-2019
Yvie Jones and Luke Jacobz have won a VIP pass to the Viper room - but this year, there is a twist. There's no slithering out of this one.
14. Groundhog Day
Aired: 30-01-2019
There are a few things that Katherine Kelly Lang needs to adjust to - and that includes Justin Lacko. Will she ever be able to get a word in?
15. Scrotal Recal
Aired: 31-01-2019
Katherine Kelly Lang needs a little help adjusting to jungle life, so is sent on a little trial to ease her in.
16. Sunday Slam #3
Aired: 03-02-2019
Get ready for the Sunday Slam. Katherine is about to get slammed and she's also in for a shocking twist. Plus, there is an elimination. Who will be leaving?
17. Bogged Down
Aired: 04-02-2019
Congratulations Richard, you're on dunny duty! We're washing you down the long drop and clearing that blockage is going to be a real drain! Who will be dumped next?
18. Kindy Surprise
Aired: 05-02-2019
It's Tucker Chewsday so we'll be serving up a kindy surprise of eyes, ears, mouth and nose... plus, a few other treats! Who will be leaving the jungle tonight?
19. Last Gasp!
Aired: 06-02-2019
With an elimination every single night, anyone could go. Who will be next? Don't forget to vote to save your fave!
20. Spew Tube
Aired: 07-02-2019
The shock eliminations are rattling the celebrities. Who will be the next to go? Make sure you vote to save your fave if you want to see them continue in the jungle!
21. Sunday Slam #4
Aired: 10-02-2019
Finals week starts tonight! Who will be the next celebrity to leave the jungle? Make sure you vote to save your fave!
22. Deep Trouble
Aired: 11-02-2019
They've laughed, they've screamed and they've learnt a lot about each other... now, they all want to win the camp crown. Vote to save your fave as finals week continues.
23. Help From Our Friends
Aired: 12-02-2019
Only five celebrities remain - and not one, but two celebrities will be given the boot in a double elimination. Who will be in the final three? Make sure you vote to save your fave!
24. Grand Finale
Aired: 17-02-2019
Who will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle? Will it be Shane Crawford, Yvie Jones or Richard Reid?
Season 6 (January 2020 - February 2020)
1. Welcome to the Jungle
Aired: 05-01-2020
Through all the tears, fears and gory foods who will survive the jungle? Not only do these celebs have to survive challenges, they'll have to survive each other!
2. House Gruels
Aired: 06-01-2020
So how did the celebs cope on their first night in the jungle with no shelter, no electricity and no Instagram? Chris and Julia check in and give our celebrities a surprise announcement.
3. Elephant Snot
Aired: 07-01-2020
It's elephant slime time! Tonight's trial will see our celebrities make their way up a large, slippery staircase to retrieve stars accompanied by a sneezing elephant whose nose won't stop running!
4. Yucky Dip
Aired: 08-01-2020
Having dined on basic rations of rice and beans all week, impala tongue washed down with a maggot milkshake is looking more and more like a MasterChef grand finale dish. Or maybe not.
5. The Hell-ympics
Aired: 09-01-2020
Get ready for the most shocking trial ever, The Hell-ympic Games. Our campmates will perform archery, high jump and more... all while rigged with electrodes. Zap!
6. Dreadmill
Aired: 12-01-2020
Through all the tears, fears and gory foods who will survive the jungle? Not only do these celebs have to survive challenges, they'll have to survive each other!
7. Bad Breathe
Aired: 13-01-2020
To collect stars Tom Williams must get from point A to point B in an underwater tunnel filled with nasty things including his worst fear... SNAKES. Will Tom survive the Tunnel Of Terror?!
8. Bingo Bites Back
Aired: 14-01-2020
Two celebrities enjoy an old fashioned game of Bingo. Unfortunately for them though, they'll be enjoying the game from inside a tomb and joined by plenty of jungle nasties!
9. Spewdio 54
Aired: 15-01-2020
Celebrities have their dinner determined by the spin of a wheel. Each player must spin the wheel and wherever it lands, must eat what's written on the corresponding segment. Spewdio 54 is open!
10. Skippy Dipping - Elimination
Aired: 16-01-2020
Celebrities will arrive at a garbage disposal centre filled with rubbish. To earn stars, the celebrities must find items using clues, and one celebrity will be going home.
11. The Scariest Trial We've Ever Done!
Aired: 19-01-2020
The trials department are high-fiving themselves over this one. They are calling it the scariest trial we’ve ever done, and this episode, one of the group will be leaving the jungle.
12. Viper Room
Aired: 20-01-2020
One celebrity is trapped in The Viper Room, the underground, pitch black coffin that slowly fills with creepy crawlies. Their only chance of escape is via their fellow celebrities back in camp.
13. Call Of The Wild - Elimination
Aired: 21-01-2020
In this episode’s trial, our celebrities’ knowledge of animal calls and the camps ability to mimic those sounds will be put to the test. Get the answer wrong and they get a dunk full of offal.
14. Oh My Gob. - Elimination
Aired: 22-01-2020
Trial goers take turns kicking balls at cardboard cut-outs of celebs with open mouths. Each ball has the name of a dish inscribed on it. Whichever mouth the ball enters determines who eats the dish.
15. Electric Circus - Elimination
Aired: 23-01-2020
Campmates will try their luck at carnival favourites that have had torturous makeovers. To win stars, each celebrity must beat the games to earn meals for the camp - while rigged to electrodes. Zap!
16. Buns of Steel - Elimination
Aired: 26-01-2020
Finals week kicks off with Super Hero Sunday. To earn stars, celebs must bungee jump 60m holding pickles they need to place onto a jumbo build-a-burger. Plus, there is another jungle elimination.
17. Balancing Act - Elimination
Aired: 27-01-2020
Two celebrities must effectively communicate to each other to retrieve stars in their respective tunnels. If they fail, they'll fall into the water below. Oh, and there are crocodiles in the water. Snap!
18. Spin It To Bin It - Double Elimination
Aired: 28-01-2020
The camp is full of hangry celebs, but the food trial is as gruesome as ever. Will the celebs return to camp as heroes or will it be yet another night of rice and beans? And who is going home?
19. The Big Wave - Elimination
Aired: 29-01-2020
The remaining celebrities are off to an exciting new trial called The Big Wave, and trust us when we say you will want to watch the chaos unfold. Which campmate will be packing their bags for good?
20. Help From Our Friends
Aired: 30-01-2020
The remaining celebrities will be tested on their knowledge of dearly departed campmates while perched above a dunk tank. Splash!
21. Finale
Aired: 02-02-2020
This is it. Over four weeks of forgoing fake tans, flushing toilets, and food that doesn't arrive in sacks, it is time to crown the mighty King or Queen of the Jungle.
Season 7 (January 2021)
1. Welcome to the Jungle
Aired: 03-01-2021
The celebs arrive in the Aussie jungle, and they're in for a little jungle twist that could ultimately affect their time in their new bush home.
2. The Hungry Games: Dip Sticks
Aired: 04-01-2021
Celebs are introduced to The Hungry Games, a series of trials that will determine who in the camp will score the best meal on the menu.
3. The Hungry Games: Hellraiser
Aired: 05-01-2021
The Hungry Games continues with celebs pitted against each other to win the best meal of the day, causing one celebrity to get more bite than they bargained for.
4. The Hungry Games: Candy Shop of Horrors
Aired: 06-01-2021
As the celebrities settle into camp life, niceties appear to be going out the window with a few camp mates butting heads.
5. The Hungry Games: It's a Long Way to the Top If You Wanna Sausage Roll
Aired: 07-01-2021
With all celebs now arrived, the in-camp challenges begin. This one features squeaky shoes and a plate of cheese. Can this camp mate be as quiet as a mouse?
6. Celebrity Boxing
Aired: 10-01-2021
This trial sees the celebs go head-to-head in the cryptically titled Celebrity Boxing. And because it’s the Aussie jungle, you can be guaranteed it’s boxing with a twist.
7. Vertigo
Aired: 11-01-2021
With the celebs missing home, it’s time for one celebrity to scale to new heights and conquer the first-ever solo trial, Vertigo.
8. Hellevator
Aired: 12-01-2021
A secret cave leads to a secret mission for a few of the campmates, but will they succeed to score a snack for their fellow celebrities?
9. Deli Belly
Aired: 13-01-2021
A lavish slumber party is up for grabs for the celeb who deserves it the most. But what lengths are they willing to go to for a good night's sleep?
10. Ice Ice Baby
Aired: 14-01-2021
When a dessert reward is up for grabs, the celebs partake in a game of charades with Royal Flush. Guess incorrectly and, you guessed it, the dessert gets flushed.
11. Wired Wedding
Aired: 17-01-2021
The celebs learn some choreography and any time they hear the music, they must stop what they're doing and dance to score a sweet treat.
12. Crude Oil
Aired: 18-01-2021
One celeb is chosen for an in-camp challenge to score for everyone a nice mug of hot chocolate, and things get a little gross when pastimes turn to licking a celebrity's foot.
13. Camp Calamity
Aired: 19-01-2021
Two Celebs attempt the Camp Calamity Trial which sees all their camping nightmares come true.
14. Casi-no
Aired: 20-01-2021
To unlock a delicious roast chicken for dinner, the celebs must run around looking for keys before time runs out, otherwise the chicken will explode.
15. Land Down Under
Aired: 21-01-2021
This episode’s trial sees two camp mates head to the Land Down Under Trial. Will they score enough stars to stem the rumbling tummies of a hungry camp?
16. Viper Room
Aired: 24-01-2021
The celebs are summoned to The Edge Of The Jungle, where they discover that from here on in, someone will be going home every night.
17. Smellovision
Aired: 25-01-2021
This episodes trial is a gag-inducing international first: Smellovision!
18. Sushi Bowl
Aired: 26-01-2021
This episode's elimination game has our celebs needing to buy a very exact amount of groceries in Super Hard Market.
19. Memory Pain
Aired: 27-01-2021
One Celeb is the target in a secret mission that will earn the camp a pasta lunch reward if they are successful; two celebs are off to win stars by flexing their muscles in Memory Pain.
20. A Spin Cycle
Aired: 28-01-2021
Remember flinging yourself around on the old Hills Hoist clothesline when you were a kid? Our celebs are about to experience that, tenfold.
21. Finale
Aired: 31-01-2021
After weeks in the jungle, one celebrity will be crowned King or Queen of the jungle for 2021!
Season 8 (January 2022)
1. One Blast Word
Aired: 03-01-2022
Tonight, on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! 10 unsuspecting celebrities voluntarily unplug from everyday life to put themselves to the ultimate test in the Aussie 'jungle'.
2. Hotel Hell
Aired: 04-01-2022
It's day two in the jungle and the newfound reality is starting to slowly sink in for our celebrities, with noisy sleepers, cold showers and a side of rice and beans is on offer in their new digs.
3. An IceHole Of A Trial
Aired: 05-01-2022
A few days in and the caffeine withdrawals are starting to set in. No silk pyjamas or feather doonas for our motley crew of campmates, just the open sky above their heads and bugs in their beds.
4. Episode 4
Aired: 06-01-2022
As the celebrities complain about their bland and watery breakfast, they soon learn they should be thankful for what they have, as the first Tucker Trial of the season is upon them.
5. The School of Shock
Aired: 09-01-2022
Tonight, the campmates better be on their best behaviour because school's in session. Plus, is there a romance brewing between two campmates?
6. Episode 6
Aired: 10-01-2022
Chris and Julia just keep dishing out the surprises, Could it be a new campmate? Plus, Celebrities are all treated to their luxury item from home. Cue the tears!
7. Warren’s Birthday!
Aired: 11-01-2022
Having dined on basic rations of rice and beans, the chuck-olate crackles and party flies will look more like a MasterChef grand finale dish. Or maybe not.
8. Episode 8
Aired: 12-01-2022
Tonight, the cockroach breeding factory is working overtime. The snake handler is on standby. The Health and Safety Officer is having heart palpitations. Welcome to the Boiler Room!
9. Episode 9
Aired: 13-01-2022
Tonight, three of our celebrities will be enlisted to work within the machinations of our I'm A Celebrity egg processing plant. Plus, one campmate is sent on a "spicy" secret mission.
10. Sphere Factor
Aired: 16-01-2022
It's another Super Shocking Sunday with shcoking news to shake up the happy campers. Welcome to Battle Week. Plus, It's no more one big happy family as the camp is divided into two teams.
11. Puff the Pungent Dragon
Aired: 17-01-2022
Still spinning from their first elimination, the celebrities wake up a little flat without their jungle buddy. A new day, means a new head-to-head trial and this one is a little bit Game Of Thrones.
12. Sweat Factory
Aired: 18-01-2022
As Battles Week continues for our campers, it's time we put them to work. But will the horrendous working conditions prove too much for one employee and leave them screaming for HR?
13. Battle Stars
Aired: 19-01-2022
Tonight, we are taking inspo from the family favourite board game, Battleship, but that's trademarked so we're calling it Battle Stars. A giant reimagining of the classic search-and-destroy game!
14. Episode 14
Aired: 20-01-2022
Tonight, Celebrities will eat as one united team again, but in case you forgot, let us remind you, it's I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! which means full tummies don't come that easy.
15. Viper Room
Aired: 23-01-2022
We like to keep our trials as fresh as our cockroach milkshakes, but sometimes you just can't go past a fan favourite. Welcome back to the dreaded Viper Room.
16. Flying Sausages
Aired: 24-01-2022
17. The Sacrifice
Aired: 25-01-2022
It's time to wreak havoc on the taste buds and tummies of our celebs with this week's food trial. But with only gruesome ingredients on offer, that poor vomit bucket is bound to take a beating.
18. Camp Chaos
Aired: 26-01-2022
Chris & Julia arrive with a trial that will test the celeb's powers of observation and mental strength. The remaining campmates are treated to a lucky dip of gifts provided by last year's final eight.
19. Mount Slip N' Slide
Aired: 27-01-2022
The trials department are high-fiving themselves over the final trail of the season, and calling it The biggest, most grueling, spectacular, cyclonic mega-course of a trial ever!.
20. Finale
Aired: 30-01-2022
This is it. After four weeks of forgoing fake tans, flushing toilets, and food that doesn't arrive in sacks, it is time to crown the mighty King or Queen of the so-called jungle!
Season 9 (April 2023)
1. Welcome To The Jungle
Aired: 02-04-2023
Hosts Julia Morris and Chris Brown welcome a new group of celebrities to the jungle. Find out which big names are trading red carpets for drop dunnies.
2. Unsafe Crackers
Aired: 03-04-2023
12 celebrities have survived their first night in the camp with no shelter, no electricity and no contact with the outside world, but there is still one more new celebrity to hit the jungle tonight!
3. Grave Danger
Aired: 04-04-2023
The celebrities are still adjusting to camp life, and what better way to help them acclimatise than to invite them to come face to face with the jungle's most terrifying snakes.
4. Episode 4
Aired: 05-04-2023
13 celebrities face the ultimate test of the jungle, all in the hope of winning money for their chosen charity.
5. Episode 5
Aired: 06-04-2023
The celebrities receive their luxury goods from home and there's a food trial on the cards. Who will keep their food down and who will swallow it only to see it again so soon afterwards?
6. Episode 6(69 min)
Aired: 09-04-2023
It's Easter and as the camp scambles to celebrate, four of our hard boiled celebs have been poached to compete in the Egg-ceptional Easter Eggathon! And what big surprise are Chris and Julia hatching?
7. Episode 7(70 min)
Aired: 10-04-2023
Tonight our celebrities face one of South Africa's most terrifying sheer edges, boasting a 2.3 km vertical drop. It is at this terrifying cliff that our intrepid trialist will meet our newest campmate
8. Episode 8(71 min)
Aired: 11-04-2023
Are you ready to rumble in the jungle? It’s man v beast as Rugby icon Nick Cummins tackles his namesake the Honey Badger, and gets blindsided and mauled by a super angry python!
9. Episode 9(70 min)
Aired: 12-04-2023
Deb, Aesha, Bianca and Nathan are chomping at the bit to get through tonight's Fear Pong food trial. Can they successfully swallow their pride and the offal treats on offer and win stars for the camp?
10. Episode 10(70 min)
Aired: 13-04-2023
Blasted with brown slime, tonight’s trial is a slippery slope to the bottom, full of skid marks and laughs. Later, we hear personal stories from our pooped celebrities about their chosen charities.
11. Episode 11(73 min)
Aired: 16-04-2023
Everybody’s favourite torture chamber The Viper Room is back, and after Nick’s trial it will be scarier than ever before! Then, Julia and Chris say farewell to the second celebrity leaving the jungle.
12. Episode 12(69 min)
Aired: 17-04-2023
In Balls of Steel, two celebs will enter a set of oversized steel balls and must clutch tightly onto their stars while being churned up with some smelly, gross chunks and increasing spinning speeds.
13. Episode 13(69 min)
Aired: 18-04-2023
Yo Ho Ho and a Barrel of Celebrities! After our most shocking trial yet, the camp faces it's second viewer voted elimination - who will be the next celebrity to pack their bags and leave the jungle?
14. Episode 14(74 min)
Aired: 19-04-2023
In tonight’s food trial, celebs visit the jungle library to digest a few classics such as Moby's Dick, The Great Ratsby, To Kill a Rottingbird and Lord of the Eyes. They're goinbg to Read It And Weep!
15. Episode 15(72 min)
Aired: 20-04-2023
In “The Only Way Is Up” one celeb will have to travel along a gloomy tunnel and dig out stars from the soil roof containing all manner of nastiness along the way. Then, another celebrity says goodbye.
16. Stinking Ship
Aired: 23-04-2023
With eliminations every night this week, our celebs will want to impress as they board the African Queen, custom built by the I'm a Celebrity Trials Team to extract maximum hero moments and laughs.
17. Beam Me Up
Aired: 24-04-2023
After over three weeks in the jungle, emotions are running high as the celebrities receive special messages from loved ones back home. Plus, witness the greatest prank in I'm A Celebrity history!?
18. Dive Bar
Aired: 25-04-2023
Celebrities face their final food trial and visit the local dive bar during Unhappy Hour for a selection of horrifying drinks and snacks. Plus, yet another celebrity will be eliminated from the jungle.
19. Help From Our Friends
Aired: 26-04-2023
After weeks in the jungle with no outside news, the celebs find out what has been happening in the world without them. And yet another celebrity will be eliminated following a very disgusting trial!
20. Wrap It Up
Aired: 27-04-2023
Hosts Julia Morris and Chris Brown will say goodbye to two more celebrities in a double elimination. Who will become the Top 3?
21. Grand Finale
Aired: 30-04-2023
Over four weeks of forgoing fake tans, flushing toilets, and food that doesn't arrive in sacks, it is time to crown the King or Queen of the so-called Jungle. Who will viewers choose as their winner?
Season 10 (March 2024 - April 2024)
1. Welcome To The Jungle(92 min)
Aired: 24-03-2024
Hosts Julia Morris & Robert Irwin welcome a brand new group of celebrities... find out which big names are trading red carpets for the jungle!
2. Jungle Shop Of Horrors(68 min)
Aired: 25-03-2024
The celebrities are still adjusting to camp life, and now come face to face with the jungle's most terrifying snakes.
3. Episode 3(66 min)
Aired: 26-03-2024
What will Candice, Stephen and Tristan reveal on the latest episode from the jungle? And will Skye Wheatley successfully tunnel out of camp?
4. Episode 4(75 min)
Aired: 27-03-2024
Celebrities face the ultimate test of the jungle - all in the hope of winning money for their chosen charity.
5. Stamp Duty
Aired: 28-03-2024
The celebrities receive their luxury goods from home.
6. Escape from Bunny Bunker
Aired: 31-03-2024
The celebrities celebrate Easter in camp, but there will be no chocolate treats for them. And the celebrity teams must now face off for food.
7. Tip Top
Aired: 01-04-2024
The 12th celebrity joins the jungle - find out who is joining camp.
8. Vom-Appetit
Aired: 02-04-2024
Split camp continues to pit the celebrities against each other.
9. Extreme Bingo
Aired: 03-04-2024
The latest celebrity will need to work hard in a challenge to receive their luxury item.
10. Day Spa-Ah
Aired: 04-04-2024
Live from the African jungle, Candice Warner has a nightmare snake encounter.
11. The Viper Room
Aired: 07-04-2024
The scariest trial 'The Viper Room' is back and the celebrities share the personal stories that connect them to the charities they are playing for.
12. The Deep Freeze
Aired: 08-04-2024
12 celebrities are still surviving the jungle - all in the hope of winning money for their chosen charity.
13. Shafted
Aired: 09-04-2024
The celebrities face a secret mission if they succeed, they will feast.
14. Get Ready To Crumble
Aired: 10-04-2024
The celebrities face their first elimination - but this is a double elimination. Who will be the first to leave the jungle?
15. Hole In One Mouthful
Aired: 11-04-2024
The campmates face a disgusting food trial, and yet another celebrity will be eliminated.
16. Stinking Ship 2: Stink Harder!
Aired: 14-04-2024
After many long weeks in the jungle, the celebrities finally receive letters from home.
17. Highway to Hell Holes
Aired: 15-04-2024
Eight celebrities are still in camp, but by the end of the night, only seven will still be fighting it out to be King or Queen of the jungle.
18. Sick-Nic
Aired: 16-04-2024
The celebrities face their final food trial, and yet another celebrity will be eliminated from the jungle.
19. The Worst Sports Carnival Ever
Aired: 17-04-2024
After weeks in the jungle, with no outside news, the celebrities will find out what has been happening in the world without them. And yet another celebrity will be eliminated.
20. Episode 20
Aired: 18-04-2024
Hosts Julia Morris and Robert Irwin will say goodbye to two more celebrities in a double elimination. Who will become the top three?
21. Episode 21
Aired: 21-04-2024
In the series finale, the Top 3 celebrities will receive a visit from their loved ones and the King or Queen of the Jungle will be crowned.
Season 11 (January 2025 - February 2025)
1. Episode 1(98 min)
Aired: 19-01-2025
Julia Morris & Robert Irwin welcome a brand new group of celebrities. Find out which big names are trading red carpets for the trials and tribulations of the jungle!
2. Episode 2(69 min)
Aired: 20-01-2025
Today in the jungle, a real-life hero gets a very bitey welcome!
3. Episode 3(71 min)
Aired: 21-01-2025
The celebrities face their most challenging trial, and Reggie opens up to Matty J in an emotional chat.
4. Episode 4(68 min)
Aired: 22-01-2025
Hughesy and Sam brave the world’s wildest House Party in search of stars. Will they return to camp in one piece?
5. Episode 5(67 min)
Aired: 23-01-2025
Hold your breath for Zach Tuohy's heart-stopping trial!
6. Episode 6(69 min)
Aired: 26-01-2025
The mega movie star makes a grand entrance. But will she end up being a damsel in distress?
7. Episode 7(73 min)
Aired: 27-01-2025
It's I'm A Celebrity's most feared trial... The Viper Room is back, snakier than ever - and one celeb has a VIPassss.
8. Episode 8(68 min)
Aired: 28-01-2025
Reggie's first tucker trial is hilarious!
9. Episode 9(71 min)
Aired: 29-01-2025
10. Episode 10(66 min)
Aired: 30-01-2025
Matty J's behind-the-scenes Bachelor reveal!
11. Episode 11(73 min)
Aired: 02-02-2025
12. Episode 12(70 min)
Aired: 03-02-2025
There's a snake in camp! Geraldine comes face to face with a spitting Cobra!
13. Episode 13(68 min)
Aired: 04-02-2025
It's blockbuster week; the camp is split in two, and the shocks keep coming!!
14. Episode 14(72 min)
Aired: 05-02-2025
It's blockbuster week; the camp is split in two, and the shocks keep coming!!
15. Episode 15(68 min)
Aired: 06-02-2025
There's an elimination tonight! Who will be the next celebrity to leave the jungle?
16. Episode 16(73 min)
Aired: 09-02-2025
It's finals week, and the celebrities will be feeling the heat with an elimination every single night!
17. Episode 17(73 min)
Aired: 10-02-2025
It's finals week, and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night!
18. Episode 18(70 min)
Aired: 11-02-2025
It's finals week, and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night!
19. Episode 19(72 min)
Aired: 12-02-2025
It's finals week, and the celebrities are feeling the pressure with eliminations every single night!
20. Episode 20(72 min)
Aired: 13-02-2025
It's finals week! Only five celebrities are left, but tonight, two will leave the jungle! Who will make it to the grand finale?
21. Episode 21(66 min)
Aired: 16-02-2025
Sam, Reggie & Matty J have made it to the Grand Finale! Who will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle?